General Information about North Korea

Korea is a 600-mile (966-km) peninsula jutting out from Manchuria and China (and a small portion of the USSR). North Korea occupies an area-slightly smaller than Pennsylvania-north of the 38th parallel. The country is almost completely covered by a series of north-south mountain ranges separated by narrow valleys. The Yalu River forms part of the northern border with Manchuria.

Government - Authoritarian socialist; one-man dictatorship.

Land area: 46,490 sq mi (120,409 sq km); total area: 46,541 sq mi (sq km)

Population (2006 est.): 23,113,019 (growth rate: 0.8%); birth rate: 15.5/1000; infant mortality rate: 23.3/1000; life expectancy: 71.7; density per sq mi: 497

Capital and largest city (2003): Pyongyang, 3,222,000 (metro. area), 2,767,900

Monetary unit: Won

Language: Korean

Ethnicity/race: racially homogeneous; small Chinese community, a few ethnic Japanese

Religions: Buddhism and Confucianism; religious activities almost nonexistent

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